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2 Wem Moss
SY13 2LT


Advice: Knowing your WSSD Wrekin Water Gravity System All the things you need to know about your Gravity System

Having a Wrekin Water WSSD Gravity System for your drinking water has SO many benefits:
They are portable and require NO plumbing - you can literally take them anywhere! even when you go camping.
The filters reduce a HUGE number of contaminants including Fluoride, Chlorine and Heavy Metals
You can use it on Mains or Private Water Supplies
There is a full test report on our website for the filters, something other gravity filter brands can't necessarily offer.
The tap is stainless steel and not plastic.
They hold 7-8L of filtered water.
They are made from 304 Stainless Steel
The benefits are endless.


There are a few helpful tips you should also know to help make your gravity system work as it is designed to.

Anti Air-Clock Clip:
Each of our WSSD Gravity Systems come with an Anti Air Lock Clip.
This is placed on the rim of the bottom chamber. It allows a tiny amount of air into the bottom chamber.

Gravity systems are known for getting a vacuum/air lock in the bottom chamber. This happens when the unit is filtering water.
As there is no electric or water pressure, the unit relies solely on gravity and the air in the bottom chamber, which helps pull the water through the filter.
Sometimes, the weight of the water in the top chamber, seals itself onto the bottom chamber. Stopping air from entering the bottom chamber - this can cause a vacuum.
OR, If you open the tap BEFORE the unit has finished filtering all the water, It removes the air and NO water will come through the tap.
Without enough air in the bottom chamber WILL STOP any more water from being filtered.
So instead of lifting the top chamber up to allow air flow, the anti air lock clip stops the 2 chambers sealing which allows enough air into the bottom chamber to allow you to open the tap for filtered water before it has finished filtering the water.

Topping up Advice:
Only fill the top chamber up with water WHEN the bottom is empty.
If you fill up the top chamber whilst the bottom is full or partially full, The unit WILL leak between the seal of the top and bottom chamber
(Not what you need)
This is because the unit is a gravity system, the water keeps on filtering and has to go somewhere, so if the bottom chamber is full, the water forces itself through the middle.
This would also happen if you didn't have an anti air lock clip
It will cause a flood in your kitchen.

Our filters do NOT remove minerals such as Calcium.
Minerals in water are beneficial to human health, and also makes drinking water taste nice.
Having minerals in your water makes the gravity system offer bottle quality water without the plastic bottles.
Therefore if you are in a hard water area, you will still get limescale build up in your kettle if you are using filtered water.
It is advisable to check your tap on your gravity system to check for any mineral build up as this will cause your tap to leak.
Try and keep your tap as clean and mineral build up free as possible.

Going away??
Not a problem, If you are going away for more than 48 hours, remove your filters from your system, ensuring there is no water left in them, pop them in a zip lock/freezer bag and pop them in the FRIDGE.
If you leave them in your gravity system whilst they are not being used, bacteria may form within the media inside the cartridge, which would contaminate the filter making them unusable.
Bacteria can only be killed by the silver impregnated ceramic when the water is being filtered. Once there is contamination IN the filter, there is no way of killing it as the water cannot repass through the ceramic.
Bacteria forms when the filter gets warm and is not used for periods of time. So if you are going away, putting them in the fridge is a must.

If you find the filtering process is slower than normal, your filters may need cleaning rather than changing.
(Filters should be changed every 6 months on Private water, 12 Months on Mains water regardless)
You can rinse the ceramic of the filter with cold water and a soft bristled brush, but ensure the plastic spout of the filter (where the water comes out) is covered up.
If any water enters the filter via the blue plastic spout/exit, you will contaminate the filters and they will need replacing.
Cleaning the ceramic can improve the speed of the filtering process

Do you need 2 or 4 filters?:
Well that is completely up to you.
Having 4 filters or 2 filters gives you the EXACT same quality of filtered water.
Having 4 filters DOESN'T remove more contaminants.

Aside from the cost of having 2 or 4 filters, The MAIN DIFFERENCE of the having 4 Filters compared to 2 filters ?.. Water filters quicker through 4 filters. So you will get your filtered water faster.


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